About Us

Who we are

Ko wai tātou

– Cutting-edge medical research institute

– Innovators in medical imaging and clinical translation

What we do

He aha ta tātou mahi

– Translate advanced medical imaging technology

– Work alongside the community with transdisciplinary approaches

– Bridge knowledge gaps and improve health pathways

– Conduct imaging and predictive modelling

– Advance health equity for Māori, Pacific, and rural communities

– Uplift health and well-being globally

What we contribute

He aha ta tātou e takoha

– Access to advanced medical imaging

– Novel health innovations, including predictive medicine

– Opportunities for rural, regional, and indigenous participation in research

– Equitable access to research, science, and innovation

– Enhanced community assets, talent, spirit, and capacity

– Education and employment opportunities

Our Vision | Kaupapa

Hanganga o nga ahuatanga whakamua o te Rangahau Rongoa me nga mahi hou

Shaping the future of medical research and innovation

Our Mission | Mīhana

Te Mata Mātai Hura

To unlock the mysteries of the brain and body for predictive and preventative medicine.

Ngā Pou

Our Strategic Priorities



Mātai Puna

Research, Education, and Innovation


Health and Wellbeing


We would like to acknowledge, with appreciation, our supporters who made the establishment of Mātai possible, all those who are supporting our journey of discovery. A special note of thanks goes to Mark Kopua for his gift of our name and whakatauāki. 

Major Supporters

Kānoa, Trust Tairāwhiti, the JN and HB Williams Foundation, Mangatawa Beale Williams Memorial Trust, GE Healthcare, Dame Bronwen and Dr Peter Holdsworth Trust, Lottery Significant Projects Fund, Hugh Green Foundation, Pultron Composites Limited, the University of Auckland, and Quest Trust.

Research Project & Education Funding

Fred Lewis Enterprise Foundation, QUEST Trust, Neurological Foundation, Turanga Health, Te Puni Kōkiri (TPK), MBIE Catalyst Fund, Centre for Brain Research (CBR), University of Auckland Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences (FMHS), National institutes of health (NIH – USA), Health Research Council, Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE), Marsden Foundation. 

In-kind Support

Chapman Tripp, Auckland Bioengineering Institute (ABI), Malaghan Institute, ESR, Te Whatu Ora Tairāwhiti, Brain Research New Zealand (BRNZ), Ngāti Porou Hauora, Gisborne Holdings Ltd, New Zealand Trade & Enterprise, Business Success Partners NZ Ltd, Coates Associates Gisborne, Centre for Advanced MRI (CAMRI).

Other Support

We wish to acknowledge our local iwi, our community, who participate in our research and are involved in supporting Mātai in many different ways including our board members, Ngā Mangai Māori, Friends of Mātai, Rongowhakaata, Kahui Pakeke, our research and scientific advisory boards, affiliate faculty advisors, scientific, engineering & research advisors who devote significant time and expertise to Mātai.

Staff Members
Principal Investigators
Students & Interns
Affiliate Advisors