Our team is embarking on a groundbreaking study that aims to explore various markers of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) including psychological, morphological, structural, chemical, and functional aspects – all together as a world-first. Our research team comprises Tairāwhiti scientists, bioengineers, neuropsychologists, and medical physicists who are examining ADHD through a new lens. Using MRI, we aim to discover potential biomarkers of ADHD and create an ADHD brain atlas to aid clinicians, patients, and the community in understanding this complex condition.
Our team also recently discovered that fidgeting may compensate for under-arousal and normalise brain activation in individuals with ADHD. This study will further investigate this promising finding.
In Te reo Māori, ADHD is referred to as “Aroreretini,” meaning ‘attention goes to many things’. We are committed to improving outcomes for Māori living with ADHD, and our research aims to incorporate and respect these cultural perspectives.
Mātai is a registered Charitable Trust (CC56831) undertaking not-for-profit medical imaging research in Gisborne-Tairāwhiti, Aotearoa-New Zealand.
06 863 1425
466 Childers Road
Gisborne, 4010
New Zealand