Development and testing of Brainwatch to bridge gap between brain science and awareness for our rangatahi


This project aims to develop interactive visualisation content to increase student learning, comprehension, and orientation of human brain. Brain is a complex organ which is difficult to understand. Brain injuries are also not well understood, resulting in misconceptions of the consequences of injury among our rangatahi. We hope this project will improve the importance of taking care of one’s brain and in treating it as tapu. 


Our team also recently discovered that fidgeting may compensate for under-arousal and normalise brain activation in individuals with ADHD. This study will further investigate this promising finding. 

We have developed an initial prototype interactive visualisation jointly with our excellent partner: TORO studios here in TairawhitiGisborne. Jointly with expertise of Tonui collab, we will test if a visualisation interface using a prototype is effective in achieving the intended goal. This is our first step along a potentially long journey. Once we demonstrate significant impact using our approach, we intend to develop this prototype into advanced content for other pathologies and even other parts of the human anatomy. 

The Brain watch research team are thankful to the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment for funding our studies through the Unlocking Curious Minds Grant.