Make a donation

Make a donation

Mātai is a non-profit research institution. Your support is essential to helping us advance our understanding of the brain, heart, and body to deliver health benefits regionally and globally.


MRI is unsurpassed in its capabilities to transform our understanding of health. It is safe, non-invasive, and can reduce the need for unnecessary invasive surgeries. Advances in medical imaging, which include scan clarity and shortening scan time, have the potential to redefine the way we identify disease and disorders, enable earlier interventions and treatments, and new ways of managing health disorders.

Get in touch

To discuss donation options or for other enquiries please contact:


Phone: 06 863 1425

The supporters programme offers three supporter tiers: Gold; Platinum; and Diamond. 

Mātai is a registered Charitable Trust (CC56831) undertaking not-for-profit medical imaging research in Gisborne-Tairāwhiti, New Zealand.

Other ways to donate

Direct credit or automatic payment

Donations directly into our bank account with a one-off or regular automatic payment:

Account Name: Matai Medical Research Institute 
Account Number: 06-0645-0585640-25

Reference: Donation

If you are donating via the above method, please complete the below form.

US Tax Residents

US tax residents can make tax deductible donations via the Gift Trust.