Our People

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, ēngari he toa takitini    

“Success is not the work of one, but the work of many” 

Emeritus Professor Graeme Bydder

Principal Investigator (MASDIR)

Scientific Advisory Board Member

Emeritus professor, Radiology, University of San Diego California (UCSD), USA

Professor Bydder is a pioneer of new MRI methods. He is a graduate of the Otago Medical School, and is currently an emeritus professor of radiology at the University of California, San Diego. Graeme worked with Godfrey Hounsfield, Nobel Prize winner, on the world’s first commercial whole-body CT machine at Northwick Park Hospital in London from 1978-80, and he worked on the world’s first commercial cryomagnet based MRI system (1981-1990) at Hammersmith Hospital in London. Graeme has published over 300 peer-reviewed journal articles on MRI techniques, clinical applications of MRI, image interpretation and related subjects, and has over 26,000 citations.  Much of the content of present-day clinical MR examinations is derived from his early work.