Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, ēngari he toa takitini
“Success is not the work of one, but the work of many”
DNZM, CO-OWNER/CE – Three Rivers Medical Ltd
Alongside Ingrid’s role as the Co-owner/CE of Gisborne’s Three Rivers Medical Ltd, Ingrid is a trustee of Chelsea Private Hospital in Gisborne. She previously served 10 years on the Tairawhiti District Health Board (9 as Chair). Her current directorships include Chair of Whangara B5 Incorporation and Whangara Farms. Ingrid was a past member of AgResearch’s Māori Advisory Committee, Te Waikato University.
Mātai is a registered Charitable Trust (CC56831) undertaking not-for-profit medical imaging research in Gisborne-Tairāwhiti, Aotearoa-New Zealand.
06 863 1425
466 Childers Road
Gisborne, 4010
New Zealand