Our People

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, ēngari he toa takitini    

“Success is not the work of one, but the work of many” 

Dr Patrick McHugh

Community Research Liaison

FRNZCGP, FDRHM, FRNZCUC, Dip Com Em Med, Dip Mus M, Dip GU Med, MBChB (Otago University), BMedSc

Dr Patrick McHugh will work with relevant community, national and international organizations to identify critical and important areas of health related research and activity where Mātai’s support can make a difference. Patrick’s role will enable a scientific research component within areas of need, while also ensuring that Mātai is part of a holistic approach to community health and well-being. This will include encouraging collaborations and innovations to support the discovery, implementation and testing new methods of achieving health and goals. He will also support the mentoring of students/trainees, and keep the community engaged and informed on Mātai projects.


Patrick is a Medical Practitioner based in Gisborne, a founding trustee for the Tairāwhiti Health Research Trust (THRT) and Plant Based New Zealand Health Trust, and a member of the advisory board of Inner Heart Solutions and the Heart Based Institute. He has a number of research and educational interests, and is a Programme leader for the Tairāwhiti Interprofessional Education Programme based in Tairāwhiti and backed by the University of Otago.