Our People

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, ēngari he toa takitini    

“Success is not the work of one, but the work of many” 

Taylor Emsden

MRI Technologist

Bachelor of Health Science (Medical Imaging)

Taylor graduated from Unitec with a BHSc(MI) in 2018 and then began working at Starship Radiology in Auckland. Taylor found working with young patients and their whānau extremely rewarding, allowing a daily role that combined critical thinking with a strong community focus. Taylor then completed CT training at Starship, which helped to develop an interest in cross sectional anatomy. She then completed a Certificate in Tikanga Māori through Te Wānanga o Aotearoa which allowed her to expand on her love for Aotearoa’s rich culture.


She has been engaged in teaching and education by taking on a role as a Clinical Tutor for both the Unitec and Auckland University medical imaging programmes. Taylor worked as a hands-on tutor based at both Greenlane and Starship Radiology and gave lectures on paediatric technique for the undergraduate academic programme. Being in the academic environment gave Taylor exposure to medical imaging research which began to develop her interest in MRI.


Taylor is excited to train in MRI at Mātai to improve health outcomes for the communities of both Aotearoa and elsewhere and hopes to continue her education with both the PGDipHSc in MRI and further qualifications in the future.