Our People

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, ēngari he toa takitini    

“Success is not the work of one, but the work of many” 

Tumanako Jones

2023 Intern

Tumanako, born and raised in Flaxmere, whakapapa to Te Tairawhiti me Te Tai Tokerau. Māmā of two beautiful tama ariki. Passionate about the unity of my community and keen to do whatever it takes to raise the manaakitanga of our peoples. I am a confident advocate for addictions, cyfs, winz and whatever else I can help with. I’ve been fortunate enough to work alongside Matai for the past year contributing to the Methamphetamine Research. I endevour to broaden my prospectives and perceptions to enable the my best self, ensuring my best effort towards the greater good and the future. Mauri Ora